Adopting a hive means you can help support these important pollinators and make a significant contribution to the environment. The £100 adoption money goes toward hive maintenance, feeding the bees through the winter, and treating for pests and diseases. Between early April and late September we arrange for you to visit your hive of bees, talk through what is going on in the hive and what might happen over the following weeks. You can even get closer by putting on a bee suit to look inside the hive. You will be invited to two honey extraction days, usually in May and August and you can have up to 5 jars of honey from the apiary.
The apiary is also open to the public from Easter through to September where you can safely view all the hives from our large viewing gallery. We inspect the hives every Wednesday morning and run demonstrations every Sunday afternoon, weather permitting. You can ask beekeepers questions and get more information. If you want to adopt a hive or provide this as a gift for someone else then please contact us.